15 лютого 2012, 23:46


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Правила составления резюме на английском языке

Правила составления резюме на английском языке

Джулиан Джонс, преподаватель British Council, рассказывает об особенностях составления резюме на английском языке

Деловой портал delo.ua совместно с British Council реализует проект "Английский язык on-line". В рамках проекта на портале появляются видеоинтервью с преподавателями British Council.

Тематика видеоинтервью — новые методики и подходы в изучении английского языка, интересные факты и практические советы по улучшению произношения и увеличения словарного запаса.

Тема сегодняшнего интервью — составление резюме на английском языке. Интервью дает преподаватель British Council Джулиан Джонс Julyan Johns.

Резюме обязательно должно содержать такие разделы как контактная информация, квалификация, опыт работы и личные данные (хобби и интересы).

Очень важно, чтобы резюме легко читалось и производило позитивное впечатление на работодателя. Не нужно писать слишком много, ведь это не история жизни.

Оптимальный размер резюме — одна страница.На первом этапе не обязательно предоставлять рекомендации.

Цель резюме — предоставить о соискателе работы общее впечатление.

Текст интервьюHello. Today I want to look at CVs. Importantly do-s and don't-s for CVs.Why is a CV important? The main reason — it's like a first meeting with a person. It gives the impression of who you are. It's the first foot in the door to getting that job for you. It also summarises who you are and why you are the right person for this job.

So today I want to look at some do-s and don't-s to help you get that job.To start with, looking at the do-s. Well you do need to include your personal info, your qualifications, your interests and your work history. For your personal info the main thing are your contacts. This can be your e-mail, the phone number and your address. Make sure these are clearly written. For your work history include everything that is relevant. For your qualifications the same. Make sure that all your relevant qualifications are listed. And your interests... try to include your transferable skills. Think about what you do in your free time and how that is relevant to the job you need.The other important thing — you do need to make sure that your CV is well presented, easy to read and clearly laid out.

This means that when your prospective employer receives it they can quickly glance at it and their first impression is positive.Now I would like to look at don't-s for your CV. First of all don't make it too long. CV is not your life story. Many people make mistake of including everything when really all you need is the relevant concise information about yourself. Marital status, age, sexual orientation — these things are not necessary.The same goes for photographs, unless you're applying to be a model then a photograph is definitely not needed. Conversely don't make it too short.

A good CV will fit on one sheet of A4 paper. Half a page means you"re missing something. Two-three pages means you've added something you don't need to.The next don't is don't include irrelevant info. Information that is necessary to the job is pertinent. Irrelevant information is just going to waste your prospective employer's time. They won't want to read it and they're likely to think less of your CV because of it.Also don't include references. If this person wants to employ you they will ask you later for references. All they need now is the general idea of who you are as a person.And lastly, do not include false information. You will be found out.

At some point down the line someone would make that phone call and your whole career can be destroyed by one simple false addition to your CV. Don't do it.So, to conclude, on your CV I would say don include your work history, personal information, qualification and your personal interests. Don't make it too long, don't make it too short, don't include references, don't include irrelevant information and don't include false information. And importantly make it easy to read, well presented and relevant and you'll be on your way to getting that job.

За матеріалами:  www.delo.ua

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